A Dance with Rogues

Included articles[]

Many of the articles on the wiki relate to the Princess in one way or another, but I don't want to go crazy and categorize everything here. I'd prefer we keep this limited to items she owned before the invasion (like the Ambassador's Gift), items she was given after (like the Poisonous Short Sword (Gift)), her acquired skills (like the Arts of Love), and other articles that where she is the primary/sole participant (like Whore and Nightingale). I've also included a few things like The Seven Lessons because these are part of her initiation and instruction. Somewhat strict, but still loose as to what can be included, a use your best judgment type of thing... --Superlgn 18:49, May 25, 2010 (UTC)


This is a unique item the Princess has made from scratch. --Superlgn 18:49, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
Seems like something that could be included with the likes of Whore and Nightingale, but there's bits of the Dhorn Slayer quest in there. I thought Dhorn Love was more of a general thing with Jero. --Superlgn 19:55, May 25, 2010 (UTC)


I'm fairly certain this is the garment made from an unwearable piece of material the Princess finds during the Golden Chalice or in Ravenstower (Terek?). This is similar to the Haute Couture Beggar's Clothes, the Leather Armor (Hatori), and Hatori's Studded Leather Armor, in that these items are created at the request of the Princess, except that the base component used to make it was simply found and not gifted or created. --Superlgn 18:49, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
These are the items the Princess receives from Hatori and are used to make the final Leather Armor (Hatori) and Hatori's Studded Leather Armor armors, but since we already have the finalized garments noted I'm not sure that we also need to included these. --Superlgn 18:49, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
Chella allows the Princess to borrow this dress, but I don't think it's ever given to her. --Superlgn 18:51, May 25, 2010 (UTC)
Possibly items given to the Princess from the Dark skinned sailor and Herney Sannemen, these rings were not originally theirs to begin with. They are simply items the Princess has to acquire to complete a quest. --Superlgn 18:58, May 25, 2010 (UTC)

