A Dance with Rogues
Button Part Two

This walkthrough contains major spoilers. Only read it if you are stuck in a certain part of the game or if you don't mind being spoiled. To facilitate this, this document has been broken into sections pertaining to major parts, hereafter known as chapters.

YellowExclamation30.png    WARNING
Spoilers follow.

General Notes[]

See the Can I use a new character for Part Two? entry on the FAQ for character and inventory requirements, if you are unable or unwilling to continue with an existing character.

Prologue - The Boat to Westwood[]

Boat to Westwood

Warek's ship

You start Part Two on the deck of the Boat to Westwood, with Warek and Vico topside. Speak with both, then go below deck to get some rest, where you'll find Anden and possibly Pia already asleep. After using your bedroll, you'll wake up the next morning with Vico sleeping nearby. Head topside and speak with everyone, then follow the dialog through the sickness. You'll be bed-ridden for a few days and will wake up in Warek's cabin. He'll inform you that your party went out into Westwood on their own and have not returned for over a day. Now you have to try and locate your friends in Westwood.

Note: Pia will only be part of the group if she gave you one of her rings toward the end of Part One. One or the other must be in your inventory when starting Part Two. If you don't have either, you may have been mean to Pia, missed a conversation (possibly because she was too far away when speaking with Alfons in the Hideout), are starting with a new character, or using an existing character with an empty inventory.

Mandatory Quests[]

Chapter 1 - Shattered Worlds, Continued[]

Westwood, Harbor

Westwood's harbor

Prior to your arrival at Westwood, the Dhorn have taken control of the city and killed Baron Westwood, his wife, all of the garrison, and even some of the population. There are rumours that the Baron is being kept as a prisoner in the castle jail. Dhorn settlers can be found throughout the city and have taken over the operations of some shops.


This chapter covers events in Westwood, the Farmland, and the Black Mountains.

The optional What's wrong at the inn? and The Greytower quests start in Westwood but can only be solved beyond the city gates.


Optional Quests[]


Once you've regrouped with your party and made it to the Black Mountains, enter the Abandoned Mine and continue to Chapter 2.

Chapter 2 - Traveling through the Dark[]

City of Dwarves, Hall external

The Dwarven hall

You and your party have made it out of Westwood and into the Abandoned Mine. There are a number of areas and levels to explore, but you'll need to convince the Loremaster in the City of the Dwarves to let you use their key to continue further into the mine and ultimately to Underdark.


This chapter covers events in the Abandoned Mine, City of Dwarves, and the forest of the Black Mountains.

The mine is old and has a number of caved-in areas, which will require explosives to pass. If you haven't already picked up some from the broken wagon to the east of Westwood, you'll need the key to the upper room of the Barracks. Keep an eye open for the Shot Firer's corpse.


Optional Quests[]


Once you've got the Dwarves' key to the tunnels below, you'll head over the waterfall and find yourself in Underdark and on to Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 - Traveling through the Dark / Dance with Drow[]

Underdark Rual'Thor's Home

Rual'thor's home

After being granted passage through the Tunnels below the Black Mountains and going over the waterfall, you'll wake up in Underdark a few party members short. First you need to regroup, then make your way through Underdark.


This chapter covers events in Underdark and Maeralssin.

You'll lose party members twice in this part of the game. In both cases, they aren't too far from your starting position. Pay attention to smaller details like tracks and notes, and you'll find them.


Optional Quests[]



It's not been an easy path after your escape from Maeralssin, but once Rizzen's sister has been dealt with, you're clear to exit Underdark and return to the surface in Chapter 4.

Chapter 4 - Come into my Castle[]

Moonville, Barracks, External View

Moonville's barracks

Finally out of Underdark, you first need to get your bearings and then head into Moonville to find a way to the Isle of Prisoners.

The inhabitants of the surrounding areas are distrustful of Drow, so Rizzen will have to stay behind in the farmland of the Lake of Sorrow. It won't take long before you realize the Isle is a feared and hated place, even by those who work there.


This chapter covers events in the Forest, the farmland in the Lake of Sorrow, Moonville, and the Cult Site.

The residents of Moonville won't take too kindly if you barge into their homes.


Optional Quests[]


After your participation in the Cult's activities in the site outside of Moonville, a demon will send you to the Isle of Prisoners and Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 - The Isle of Prisoners[]

Isle of Prisoners, Tomb, level 4, Maren

Maren Amraphenneset

The Isle of Prisoners is a remote island with a minimal Dhorn presence. The prison itself only has a few Zombies roaming around. The Tomb below is a far more interesting place. Make sure you have some rope, then head below.


This chapter covers events in the Isle of Prisoners and the tomb.

Until you've regrouped with your party, you'll probably want to stay stealthy and minimize any hostile encounters as much as possible. Be on the lookout for hidden doors aplenty.


Optional Quests[]


After regrouping and making your way through the 5th level of the Tomb, you've crashed through the bridge and ended up in the Planes of Chapter 6.

Chapter 6 - A Dance with the Devil[]

Delberg County, Orc Camp, Bagor's Wagon

The Orc Camp

After escaping the Isle of Prisoners, you find yourself in the Planes and on your way to meet the old man, who has an interesting proposition for you.


This chapter covers events in the Planes, Delberg County, and Delberg Castle.

Delberg County is relatively low on hostile activity, but you'll want to be extremely careful on the far side of the deep forest and in the Delberg County, Orc Camp. To make your journey a bit easier, you may want to horde unique items and clothing as you go.


Optional Quests[]



After making it out of the statue and speaking with Hyath, things seem to have gone haywire. You wake up in Greenfork Castle and Chapter 7.

Chapter 7 - Conclusion[]

Greenfork Island

The Island

Dazed and confused, you find yourself in Greenfork Castle.


This chapter covers events in Greenfork and possibly the return to Delberg Castle.


Optional Quests[]


There are a few possible conclusions to the game. You can escape, go for the marriage, or possibly return to help Earl Delberg.

Optional Quests[]

Fix Me: others?


Parts of this walkthrough originated from the Part Two walkthrough on the the Vault. It was written in June of 2006, presumably by Valine, and has since been updated for v1.22.
