A Dance with Rogues

Quote from the Hideout[]

Sure. The game's called 66. It's played with a pair of six sided dice. We'll toss them in turns. When you toss, you'll score a certain number of points where your higher cast determines the tens of your score. So if you get a 6 and a 2, that'll be a 62. If you get a 1 and a 4, that'll be a 41. There are also doubles like 11, 22, 55 and so on. Those count higher than non-doubles. A 41 beats a 32, for example, a Double-1 beats a 64, a Double-2 beats a Double-1 and so on. Double-Six is the highest number you can score, which is why the game's called 66.

As I said, we'll toss in turns. You always have to score a higher amount of points than the person before you. So, if I tossed before you, and I did a 61, you have to do a 62 at least. If I do a Double-5, you have to do a Double-6. The Double-6 is the exception to the rule. It beats anything, even an earlier Double-6. So if I do a Double-6, you have to do a Double-6 as well.

Now the interesting part of the game is that you don't show your cast to the other players. You can announce that you've tossed any number of points you wish, it just has to beat the previously announced number. The next person then can either believe you, in which case it's his or her turn to toss. Or he or she can ask you to show your cast. Every time somebody tosses the dice, he or she places a couple of coins into the pot. If somebody asks you to show your cast, you win the pot if you did not lie and did score the number you've announced, or higher. If you've bluffed, the person calling to show your cast wins the pot. Calling to show someone's cast costs thrice the amount a cast alone costs. Oh and you can of course quit any time it's your turn to either toss or call, but you'll lose the money you've placed into the pot of course.
